| CDirOpenDialog (const String &caption="Open Directory") |
| Default constructor. More...
| ~CDirOpenDialog () override=default |
| Destructor.
String | directory () const |
void | directory (const String &p) |
void | clearPatterns () |
void | setPattern (const String &patternName) |
void | addPattern (const String &patternName, const String &pattern) |
String | pattern () const |
void | refreshDirectory (const String &dirName="") |
String | fileName () const |
String | fullFileName () const |
void | fileName (const String &fileName) |
bool | execute () |
| CDialog (int w, int h, const char *label=nullptr) |
| ~CDialog () override |
virtual bool | reset () |
int | handle (int event) override |
bool | showModal () |
void | alert (const String &s) const |
void | defaultButton (CButton *btn) |
virtual void | database (PoolDatabaseConnection *db) |
PoolDatabaseConnection * | database () const |
void | table (const String &tableName) |
String | table () const |
void | table (PoolDatabaseConnection *db, const String &tableName, const String &keyFieldName) |
| Fast setup of the database connection. More...
void | keyField (const String &keyFieldName) |
String | keyField () const |
void | keyValue (int val) |
int | keyValue () const |
virtual Fl_Group * | newPage (const char *label, bool autoColor) |
virtual Fl_Group * | newScroll (const char *label, bool autoColor) |
CButton * | addExtraButton (CButtonKind buttonKind, const char *label, Fl_Callback_p callback) |
uint32_t | fieldCount () const |
CControl & | operator[] (const String &fieldName) |
| Index operator to access controls with defined field name. More...
void | rescan () |
| Makes dialog to scan the widgets inside.
void | load (const xdoc::SNode &node) override |
void | save (const xdoc::SNode &node) const override |
CDialogModalResult | modalResult () const |
String | className () const override |
| Returns widget class name (internal SPTK RTTI). More...
| CWindow (int w, int h, const char *label=0L) |
| Constructor. More...
| CWindow (int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label=0L) |
| Constructor. More...
void | draw () override |
| Draws a window, including an optional background image.
void | show () override |
| Custom show method.
void | show (int argc, char *argv[]) |
| Custom show method. More...
void | hide () override |
| Custom hide method.
virtual void | relayout () |
| Relayouts window's widgets that have CLayoutClient interface.
void | clear () override |
| Removes all the widgets inside the window. More...
void | resize (int x, int y, int w, int h) override |
| Resizes the window and inside widgets. More...
bool | preferredSize (int &w, int &h) override |
| Computes the optimal window size. More...
int | handle (int event) override |
| Custom window events handle. More...
void | load (const std::shared_ptr< xdoc::Node > &node, CLayoutXMLmode xmlMode) override |
| Loads window coordinates and widgets from XML node. More...
void | load (const std::shared_ptr< xdoc::Node > &node) override |
| Loads window coordinates and widgets from XML node. More...
void | save (const std::shared_ptr< xdoc::Node > &node, CLayoutXMLmode xmlMode) const override |
| Saves window coordinates and widgets into XML node. More...
virtual void | save (const xdoc::SNode &node) const |
| Saves window coordinates and widgets into XML node. More...
void | loadPosition (const xdoc::SNode &node) |
| Loads the window position from XML node. More...
void | savePosition (const xdoc::SNode &node) const |
| Saves the window position into XML node. More...
const String & | label () const override |
| Returns the current label. More...
String | className () const override |
| Returns widget class name (internal SPTK RTTI). More...
virtual void | label (const String &l) |
virtual const String & | label () const |
| CLayoutManager (Fl_Group *group, int layoutSize, CLayoutAlign ca) |
| ~CLayoutManager () override=default |
virtual void | clear () |
| Removes all the children. More...
int | layoutSpacing () const |
void | layoutSpacing (int ls) |
void | layoutGrowMode (CLayoutGrowMode gm=CLayoutGrowMode::LGM_AUTO_GROW) |
CLayoutGrowMode | layoutGrowMode () const |
void | relayout () |
void | frame (CFrame *frame, bool drawBackground=true) |
| Defines frame. More...
const CFrame * | frame () const |
| Returnes the current frame.
uint32_t | frameWidth () const |
| Returns frame width.
virtual void | loadLayout (const xdoc::SNode &node, CLayoutXMLmode xmlMode) |
| Loads group controls data from XML node. More...
virtual void | saveLayout (const xdoc::SNode &node, CLayoutXMLmode xmlMode) const |
| Saves group controls data into XML node. More...
void | nameIndex (CWidgetNamesMap &index, bool recursive, bool clean=true) const |
| Builds an index of internal widget names. More...
bool | noXml () const |
| Returns flag of blocking XML processing. More...
void | noXml (bool noXml) |
| Sets flag of blocking XML processing. More...
| CLayoutClient (Fl_Widget *widget, int layoutSize, CLayoutAlign ca) |
virtual | ~CLayoutClient () |
CLayoutAlign | layoutAlign () const |
void | layoutAlign (CLayoutAlign al) |
int | layoutSize () const |
void | layoutSize (int ls) |
virtual void | label (const String &l) |
virtual const String & | label () const |
void | name (const char *aname) |
void | name (const String &aname) |
const String & | name () const |
virtual bool | preferredSize (int &w, int &h) |
virtual bool | computeSize (int &w, int &h) |
virtual String | className () const |
Fl_Widget * | widget () const |
virtual void | load (const xdoc::SNode &node, CLayoutXMLmode xmlMode) |
virtual void | load (const std::shared_ptr< xdoc::Node > &node) |
virtual void | save (const std::shared_ptr< xdoc::Node > &node, CLayoutXMLmode xmlMode) const |
| CWindowShape (sptk::CWindow *window) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~CWindowShape () |
| Destructor.
bool | shapeResizing () |
| Returns true if the window is resizing as a result of border drag. More...
Select Directory Window.
Implements the dialog to select a directory.
- See also
- CDialog, CFileDialog, CFileOpenDialog, CFileSaveDialog