(If you find an error in this Howto please let me know via email
at andreasbresser (at) gmx (dot) de)
1. Install Dev-C++:
Download Dev-C++ from here.
(I'm using the Beta
5 Version
1.2 Install Dev-C++ (remember the
2. Install aspell-dev:
2.1 Download
aspell-dev from here. (I'm
using Aspell-dev-0-50-3-3).
Extract aspell-dev-xx.zip (where xx is the version number).
2.3 Go
into the aspell-dev-xx directory.
2.4 Copy the include and lib
folder into your Dev-C++-directory (If Windows ask you to replace the
folder select "Yes, all").
3. Install FLTK:
Download the fltk-devpack from here
(I'm using fltk-1.1.4).
Double-click on the .devpak-file.
3.3 Click three times on "Next
>" and then on "Install >" to install the
3.4 Click on "Finish"
3.5. Close the "DevC++
Package Manager".
4. Get SPTK:
4.1 Download sptk
from here (I'm using
SPTK 2.2 alpha
4.2 Extract sptk into any directory (If Windows does not
know the file type, download and install Winrar
first, I've tried to extract the files with Winace,
but it creates only a blank directory).
5. Get
5.1 Download SPTKlib.a from here
(This is Version SPTK 2.2 alpha)
5.2 extract the file and copy it
into your devcpp\lib directory
6. Compile your first
sptk-program with Dev-C++.
6.1 Start Dev-C++.
6.2 Click on
"File" -> "Import" -> "Import MS
Visual C++" project.
6.3 Click on "...".
Select the file sptk-x.x\VC6\cscroll_test.dsp and click on open.
Click on "Import".
6.6 Press ALT+P.
6.7 Click on
6.8 Click on "Add Libary or Object"
under the "Linker"-Textbox.
6.9 Select the file
SPTKlib.a form the devcpp/lib directory.
6.10 Click on
6.11 Repeat 9.8 to 9.11 with the files
libfltk.a, libfltk_forms.a, libfltk_images.a and
look like this).
6.12 (tip) Copy the text in the
"Linker" Textbox into the memory (right-click ->
"copy"). You can now easy paste it into another project
without search the files every time, because you need to link these
files in every SPTK-Program.
6.13 Click on "OK". You
should compile the program now (press F9).
Next Step: Compile your first SPDB Project
(optional) Copy sptk from your sptk-xx\ directory
to devcpp\include.
by Andreas Bresser andreasbresser (at) gmx (dot) de