(If you find an error in this Howto please let me know via email
at andreasbresser (at) gmx (dot) de)
1. Create an Access
1.1 Start Microsoft Access.
1.2 Click on File ->
(The new Database-Window appears).
1.3 Select any folder
and click on Create.
1.4 Close MS Access.
2. Create an ODBC
Connection to your Database 2.1 Click on Start -> Settings ->
Control Panel.
2.2 Once you are in the Control Panel, double-click
on "ODBC Data Sources or 32-bit ODBC".
2.3 click on the
"Add..." button.
2.4 Now the "Create New Data
Source" window appears.
2.5 Select "Microsoft Access
Driver (*.mdb)" and click on "Finish"
Now the
"ODBC Microsoft Access Setup" Window appears.
2.6 The
"Data Source Name" must be "odbc_demo" (you can
of course use another name for your own Projects).
2.7 Click on
"Select" in the Database section and select your
2.8 Click on "OK" (When you get a
"File-not-found" error close Microsoft Access and make sure
that nobody is connected to this database).
2.9 now you can see a
new entry in the "User Data Source" window.
2.10 Click
on "OK".
2. Compile your first SPDB program.
start Dev-C++
2.2 Click on "File" -> "Import"
-> "Import MS Visual C++ Project".
2.3 Click on
2.4 Select the file sptk-x.x\VC6\db_list_view.dsp
(x.x is the SPTK-Version number) and click on "Open"
Click on "Import".
2.6 Click on "Yes".
Press ALT+P.
2.8 (VERY IMPORTANT) Select "Win32 Console"
in the "Type" Section!!!
2.9 Click on "Parameters".
Click on "Add Library or Object" under the
2.11 Select the file SPTKlib.a form
the devcpp/lib directory.
2.12 Click on "Open".
Repeat 2.10 to 2.12 with the files libfltk.a, libfltk_forms.a,
libfltk_images.a, libodbc32.a, libodbcpp32.a and
look like this ;-))
2.14 Compile and run the Program
(press F9) -> a DOS-Box will appear and close immediately.
Examine your compiled Program
3.1 Run a MS-DOS Box (click on
"Start"->"Run" and open command.exe (under
Windows 2000/XP you must open cmd.exe))
3.2 Go into your
SPTK-x.x\VC6 directory (cd sptk-2.2alpha\vc6).
3.3 Type
"db_list_view" and press enter
3.4 Now you (may be) see
this error:
is because my Microsoft Access version (Access 2002) does not
understand the "TEMP" command in the MySQL-Syntax. So I
change the original Source a bit :-):
First, I removed the "TEMP"
in line 106.
Then, I added The following line:
CQuery query0(&db,"DROP TABLE IF
EXISTS companies");
This creates a new CQuery called query0.
To execute this Query I added this line:
edited program should look like this (I have underlined my changes in
Recompile and run your Program (F9). Now you should see
You have successfully compiled a SPDB program with Dev-C++.
you want to compile and run any other SPTK-Samples (like the
sptk_test or odbc_demo) you need to include all SPTK, FLTK and ODBC
libraries and (maybe) change the SQL-Syntax (remove the "TEMP"
and add an "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS"-Query if you get
When your program runs fine you can change the Type
from Win32Console to Win32Gui (Press ALT+P and click on Win32GUI),
but than the SQL-Errors will not be shown to the user.
by Andreas Bresser andreasbresser (at) gmx (dot) de